1. Diabetes in America is quickly on the rise. A 2004 article from UCLA projects that by 2024, 40 million Americans will have the disease, a number double what was in 2004. A 2012 article in the New York Times reveals that among teenagers, those testing positive to diabetes and pre-diabetes had nearly tripled from 1999 to 2008, rising from 9% to 23% in that span.
From the UCLA article, "Today’s foods and soft drinks contain much more concentrated levels of calories than they did in the past,” says Vikram Kamdar, M.D., an endocrinologist at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. “Meanwhile, physical activity in the schools and at home has declined. When added up, you can see why we are facing this epidemic."
Plexus customers testify time and time again to having reduced their blood sugar levels while using the Plexus products. Not only this, but reduced weight makes it easier for people who struggle with physical activity to begin to get themselves moving again. Many Plexus customers say that they have become more active after starting to use the products.
2. Health Care is Expensive. Many people today struggle not only with the physical aspects of poor health, but also with the financial burden of the prescription drugs that are used to treat ailments brought on by being overweight. USA Today reports that in 2012, prescription drug prices rose at twice the rate of inflation. Plexus does not claim to cure any diseases, however, countless Plexus customers have testified to being able to reduce or eliminate their prescription drug usage at their Doctor's recommendation while on Plexus products. For many of these people, the monetary cost of using Plexus is far less than the costs of those prescriptions. Not only this, but many Plexus customers have stated that they prefer to be off of prescription medications if at all possible.
3. Efficacy. It is estimated that at least 85% of people who try the Plexus Slim drink alone testify to experiencing positive results in weight loss. That number is increased with the use of the right Plexus support products. Combined with the simplicity of the Plexus weight loss plan (no meal replacements, exercise, or strict diet required), it is believed that the vast majority of the public can comfortably make use of Plexus, and receive a return of better health for their investment. Customers feel satisfied.
4. Plexus is built as an internet age business. Plexus marketing works through personal testimonies. People are amazed at the interest that is garnered when they share their pictures and stories of weight loss on social media. The ability to then "sell" the product to their friends and family via a website that only costs $35 a year to maintain, means that it does not take a large investment, extensive travel, nor a degree to realize a substantial income as a Plexus ambassador.
5. The Plexus products help people who are looking for a better self image. Many people today suffer from feelings of anxiety over their own view of themselves. Plexus customers testify to having an improved self-esteem by using the Plexus products. While weight loss is one aspect of this, customers also testify to positive changes in mood derived from a healthier lifestyle, and the ridding of dangerous food habits. From a business standpoint, this means that there is almost no one that a Plexus ambassador cannot talk to about Plexus; meaning Plexus offers products for the masses.
There are many other aspects of the Plexus business model that would serve to evidence further why Plexus is set up to continue to grow and increase market share. The compensation plan for ambassadors is alone worth an entire article. But, the intention here is to give a "30,000 ft. view" of the Plexus business, and to illustrate the enormity of every ambassadors opportunity. Put together, this list demonstrates, simply, that Plexus is an outstanding business who's time has arrived.