Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5 Reasons Plexus is an Outstanding Business in Today's Market

Having addressed the question, "is Plexus a pyramid scheme?", in a previous article, I wanted to look at the Plexus business from another angle. So here, I have compiled a list of "high level" reasons why Plexus is such an outstanding business in today's market.

1. Diabetes in America is quickly on the rise. A 2004 article from UCLA projects that by 2024, 40 million Americans will have the disease, a number double what was in 2004. A 2012 article in the New York Times reveals that among teenagers, those testing positive to diabetes and pre-diabetes had nearly tripled from 1999 to 2008, rising from 9% to 23% in that span.

From the UCLA article, "Today’s foods and soft drinks contain much more concentrated levels of calories than they did in the past,” says Vikram Kamdar, M.D., an endocrinologist at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. “Meanwhile, physical activity in the schools and at home has declined. When added up, you can see why we are facing this epidemic."

Plexus customers testify time and time again to having reduced their blood sugar levels while using the Plexus products. Not only this, but reduced weight makes it easier for people who struggle with physical activity to begin to get themselves moving again. Many Plexus customers say that they have become more active after starting to use the products.

2. Health Care is Expensive. Many people today struggle not only with the physical aspects of poor health, but also with the financial burden of the prescription drugs that are used to treat ailments brought on by being overweight. USA Today reports that in 2012, prescription drug prices rose at twice the rate of inflation. Plexus does not claim to cure any diseases, however, countless Plexus customers have testified to being able to reduce or eliminate their prescription drug usage at their Doctor's recommendation while on Plexus products. For many of these people, the monetary cost of using Plexus is far less than the costs of those prescriptions. Not only this, but many Plexus customers have stated that they prefer to be off of prescription medications if at all possible.

3. Efficacy. It is estimated that at least 85% of people who try the Plexus Slim drink alone testify to experiencing positive results in weight loss. That number is increased with the use of the right Plexus support products. Combined with the simplicity of the Plexus weight loss plan (no meal replacements, exercise, or strict diet required), it is believed that the vast majority of the public can comfortably make use of Plexus, and receive a return of better health for their investment. Customers feel satisfied.

4. Plexus is built as an internet age business. Plexus marketing works through personal testimonies. People are amazed at the interest that is garnered when they share their pictures and stories of weight loss on social media. The ability to then "sell" the product to their friends and family via a website that only costs $35 a year to maintain, means that it does not take a large investment, extensive travel, nor a degree to realize a substantial income as a Plexus ambassador.

5. The Plexus products help people who are looking for a better self image. Many people today suffer from feelings of anxiety over their own view of themselves. Plexus customers testify to having an improved self-esteem by using the Plexus products. While weight loss is one aspect of this, customers also testify to positive changes in mood derived from a healthier lifestyle, and the ridding of dangerous food habits. From a business standpoint, this means that there is almost no one that a Plexus ambassador cannot talk to about Plexus; meaning Plexus offers products for the masses.

There are many other aspects of the Plexus business model that would serve to evidence further why Plexus is set up to continue to grow and increase market share. The compensation plan for ambassadors is alone worth an entire article. But, the intention here is to give a "30,000 ft. view" of the Plexus business, and to illustrate the enormity of every ambassadors opportunity. Put together, this list demonstrates, simply, that Plexus is an outstanding business who's time has arrived. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

God Gives Good Gifts

Remembering Where it All Comes From

"17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."                       James 1:17

I've been thinking about how much blessing there is in what God has established on earth. He has given all of the things that are needed to provide for good life and health, and he has given us understanding to be able to use those things for our benefit. Another thing that God has established is that there is a time to every purpose under heaven. As I sit here drinking my glass of wine, I am reminded of the fact that there is a long process necessary to turn a grape on a vine, into the beverage I have before me. Yet, even this process belongs to God. God can make a the grape on the vine into wine in the blink of an eye. Jesus even changed water itself into wine at a wedding. 

What does this all mean, and why do I say this on a blog about Plexus? Because Plexus is derived from the good stuff of the earth, and with wisdom it is applied to aid the body with its natural processes. These things all belong to The Lord, and I just wanted to take a moment to say that I give thanks to God for the good that He has brought to us in it's time and it's season, for the purpose He meant. 

From the Book of Common Prayer/Book of Divine Worship

Most gracious God, 
by whose knowledge the depths are broken up 
and the clouds drop down the dew: 
We yield thee hearty thanks and praise 
for the return of seed time and harvest,
for the increase of the ground 
and the gathering in of its fruits,
and for all other blessings of thy merciful providence
bestowed upon this nation and people. 
And, we beseech thee, 
give us a just sense of these great mercies,
such as may appear in our lives 
by a humble, holy, and obedient 
walking before thee all our days; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord, 
to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost 
be all glory and honor, world without end. Amen.

Friday, January 24, 2014

My Recent Plexus Testimony

I shared this on Facebook a couple of days ago. One year on Plexus Slim and I'm still losing weight and getting healthy. Don't give up!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two Recent Plexus Slim Testimonies!

Plexus Slim Works.

Plexus Slim works differently for every person. We love to hear stories of amazing, fast weight loss. But, because Plexus works to remove barriers that are prohibiting the body's natural mechanisms for maintaining proper weight, each persons response time can be different. The beauty of this is that many people claim to experience more than just weight loss. As their bodies "come into proper alignment", people testify to incredible health changes. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Two Weeks on Plexus Slim!

Sylvia is a new Ambassador on our team, and she is on FIRE! She loves the products for herself and she is sharing them with others. Here is what one of her customers said:

Using Plexus Since October

Yet another recent Plexus story. See below.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Finding Your Next Superstar Ambassador: The #1 Secret

Oftentimes when a new Plexus Ambassador gets started, they have several people in mind that they
think "would do great in the business". The Ambassador usually has people in mind that they believe are "real go-getters", "smart in business", and "sales minded". But time and time again, the new Ambassadors find themselves let down when those "superstars" won't even try Plexus. Sometimes they do try Plexus and the superstar becomes an Ambassador, but for some reason, they never really do anything with it.

It is understandable that people are disappointed when things don't work out the way they envision. Who would not love to have those people on their team who love the products and really "get it" when it comes to the business? But, when an ambassador let's herself get discouraged because she is not finding that "superstar", she could end up selling herself short, believing that it is just not happening fast enough.

Michelle, my wife, recently posted this in our "Rock the Pink" group page for our Ambassador team:
"It took me weeks when I first started to get my first customer (other then my mom but that doesn't count:), I had customers that didn't lose right away and I had team members that insisted that NO ONE wanted to try Plexus in their town or circle and so decided to turn their back office off. I have been criticized at times for being on the Plexus Craze and have had people say it's a "scam"........I have been discouraged myself in the beginning when I saw others "move the ranks" faster then I could blink......I had family along the way even try the product and want their money back........WHAT IF I WOULD HAVE GIVEN UP???...Consistency and hard work always win mixed in with being educated and staying positive ALWAYS!"
When it comes to finding superstar Ambassadors, it is almost always a surprise. We never really know when someone is going to just take off with Plexus. But there is one secret that will help you find that next superstar, and it is guaranteed to work. Are you ready for it? Here it is: Be Your Next Superstar. Create events in your town. Show up for your ambassadors when they need assistance. Answer your phone. Communicate with your customers. Talk to strangers. Be friendly. Study your products and know what they do, and what to recommend. Learn how to do a full presentation. Join meet up groups. Travel to where you see growth happening in your team. Encourage others!

If you will do all of this, then you will be a shining example, and guess what, you will also have created something for others to replicate. When you teach others do the same thing, it won't be long until you have not just one or two superstars, but a team full of them! People who have been around me have heard me say this many times: There are roughly 300,000,000 people in the U.S. At least 250,000,000 of those people have a need that our products can help with. We have not even scratched the surface of our potential in this country and there is plenty of opportunity to go around. Become your next superstar, and you will find your next superstar, and your success.

Monday, January 13, 2014

They Called It a Get Rich Quick "Pyramid Scheme"

If you have been a Plexus Ambassador for any length of time, you have probably had someone ask you
something like, "Oh, is this one of those get rich quick 'pyramid schemes?'" If you are like most of us, you've probably never really looked into what a pyramid scheme actually is, so you probably found yourself without words to really satisfactorily answer the question. You already know that the products work. You also know that if you work hard at Plexus, you have the opportunity to help people and make a substantial income doing it. But if the best answer you can muster is "No, it's not one of those", you will find it difficult to move forward with confidence. Well, this article is going to supply you with the information you need to be able to not only answer, but show them you are not a sucker, and that you decided to become a Plexus ambassador because you know a good thing when you see it!

#1 thing to know - The term "Pyramid Scheme" has a finite definition. In other words, in order for something to be a pyramid scheme, it has to meet certain criteria. And the #1 thing that ties all pyramid schemes together: they offer no legitimate product or service. Instead, they offer promises they never intend to keep. Unlike the Plexus brand which offers amazing products which actually transform lives, pyramid schemes are solely dependent upon attracting new recruits in order to pay earlier recruits, but there is no real product or service of value. This is why it is called a scheme.

#2 - Pyramid Schemes are 100% illegal; Multi-Level Marketing, on the other hand, is not. Multi-Level Marketing is not simply another name for a pyramid scheme, MLM, as it is known is, in fact, altogether different. Legitimate MLM's offer a real product or service in exchange for money. Simply put, MLM's use word of mouth for their advertising, instead of paying for ad space. The success of an MLM is largely dependent the quality of the product or service that is offered. MLM represents a major slice of the American economy, and many very reputable businesses have been built through it. Think of Mary Kay and Avon. Even many well known and respectable insurance companies are structured to be Multi-Level Marketing companies.

#3 - There is no magical formula to getting rich in Plexus. You either share the products because you believe in them, and give other people the opportunity you have been given, or you sit on it. There is nothing illegal or wrong about making money by sharing a valuable product with others. Don't get me wrong, Plexus is an unbelievable opportunity, and you CAN make a lot more money by working hard at it than you can with most any other job, but there is no scheme to it. You simply work hard, like everything else, but YOU set the limits for what you can achieve.

#4 - Some MLM's have given the industry a bad name. Some MLM's have tried to establish themselves through a lot of hype, but when it really comes down to it, the product or service that is offered is lackluster. There is nothing illegal about this, and this does not make them a pyramid scheme, because again, they are offering an actual product that has some value. What it does mean is that their product is bad, and as all bad products, they deserve to land in the dump heap of history. Unfortunately, some MLM's also market themselves as ways to get rich quick. While the MLM structure can lend itself toward making a good living, it is still dependent on working hard and offering a good product.

Plexus offers excellence. There is no magic here, and there is no scheme. We just offer something that people are desperate for, we work hard, and our product delivers results.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Psoriasis, ProBio 5

I came across this amazing Plexus ProBio 5 testimony and I had to share. Please read below and see both pictures!

Updated "Drink Pink to Shrink"

I already shared Sylvia's Post from January 6th where she showed how loose her clothes were getting on her. She posted a new picture on Facebook today, and apparently, she is very excited about her results so far!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Another Recent Weight Loss Story

This story comes from one of our Facebook Friends. It's a great testimony to Plexus Slim and Plexus Accelerator+.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1 Month on Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ Combo!

This post was shared on Facebook
by my mother in law, and I could not resist putting it up here! I love the fact that the picture shows the test results!

What the Hoodia?

Change is Tough

Yesterday, Plexus Ambassadors were greeted with a change to our beloved product. Due to Hoodia being derived from a plant that is now considered to be an endangered species under CITES Appendix II, Plexus Corporate has decided to remove Hoodia from the Plexus Slim product.

Some might naturally express a little bit of apprehension about this, after all, we love Plexus Slim and what it has done for us, and as Ambassadors we are invested in sharing that experience with as many people as possible. But let's just take a look at this situation for what it is. Plexus is obviously a rapidly growing business, that has been built by a reputation of having outstanding products that actually work. That being said, Plexus Corporate offices would never intentionally do anything to harm that reputation or the growth possibilities of the company.

Let's face the facts. We have a big 'ol target on our backs when it comes to our competition, and they would like nothing more than to see us fail. Fortunately for us, Plexus was built by people who understand the chemistry. It is easy to overreact to news of this sort. When grape seed extract was removed from the Slim over concerns of some people having negative reactions to it, there were people saying that the Slim didn't work the same, and that people weren't losing weight. I am here to tell you that my wife and I built the majority of our Plexus business after that point on the testimonies that have continued to flow in!

Sure, we don't like to hear that things change, but the changes that Plexus has made have always been for the betterment of the company as a whole. Removing the Hoodia is a responsible decision, and it should give all of us Ambassadors confidence in our company as the decision reflects the visionary planning of our leadership. Plexus intends to be around for a long time. The same goes for the change from Accelerator to Accelerator+. Plexus informed us that it might take some time for those who were on the old Accelerator to get used to the new formula. And though the Accelerator+ does have different effects than the original Accelerator, the positive reports have continued to pour in from new customers who are having tremendous results with the Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ combo.

As for how removal of the Hoodia contained in Plexus Slim might affect the results of the use of the product, tests have shown no difference in Slim's efficacy. Hoodia is used as an appetite suppressant, but the fact is Plexus Slim contains other ingredients that are known to have a greater impact on hunger than Hoodia.

The bottom line is "change is change". We typically don't like it, but understanding the bigger picture can help one to appreciate change, and recognize that in order to continue to thrive, we must show that we can adapt to it.

For a list of ingredients in Plexus Slim, please see

Monday, January 6, 2014

Drink Pink to Shrink

A new friend of ours (also a new Plexus Ambassador) posted this on her Facebook page today. Congrats Sylvia!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Plexus Slim, Wheelchair, MS, Amazing Testimony!

Welcome to the Network Healthy Blog

This is not a Plexus Slim weight loss testimony, but I cannot think of a better way to kick off this new blog than to share this video. If you are not on Facebook, it is worth getting an account to watch this!

Click on the Link below. It will open up a new window in your browser to Facebook where you can watch the video.
Click Here to Watch Video

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Posts to Come!

Thanks for checking out Network Healthy! Check back to see the new happenings in Plexus!