Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Plexus Slim Ambassadors (Surprising) Take on the Popular "17 Day Diet"

Should One Praise a Competitor?

In recent news, Shape Magazine covered a story originally published in "Diets in Review" which, since 2008, has rated the most popular diets. Top on their list: "The 17 Day Diet" by Dr. Mike Moreno. Second on their list, beating out Medifast, Nutrisystem, Jillian Michaels, Skinny Fiber, Biggest Loser, and Weight Watchers: you guessed it, Plexus Slim. 

How could a company like Plexus Worldwide, that you probably have never heard of accomplish this? One simple phrase: "word of mouth". But before I praise Plexus, I want to give you my honest, and maybe surprising review of the top diet, "The 17 Day Diet".

Let me give you a little background. Two years ago, I was introduced to Plexus Slim through a friend named Sonya Dudley. Actually, Sonya told my wife about it, and my wife told me. Anyway, I initially had no interest. But, through some sly tactics, my wife got me to try Plexus (which is actually a small line of products) because, as I am sure many wives feel, she wanted me to work on my "physique". Long story short, I lost weight. 43 lbs of ugly fat. And I have kept it off. I am now a full time Plexus Ambassador too. NOW, to my review.

What is Good About the 17 Day Diet?

I think the 17 day diet sounds tremendous. The name is a little misleading, given that the diet actually lasts more than 17 days, but the point is that you change your eating every 17 days. Amongst experts, it is disputed whether there is any validity to changing one's diet every 17 days in the manner suggested by Dr. Moreno actually contributing to weight loss. There are, however, a few key elements to the diet that I find most important.

1. Restricted calorie intake. It has been well documented that reducing one's calorie intake at the approprite times and with the appropriate foods can lead to weight loss.

2. Low-fat, No Carbs in the beginning. The human diet was never meant to consist of the high carb, high-fat, processed foods that people, especially Americans, have become accustomed to. The popularity of diets such as Adkins and Paleo have come about because people have sought to return to a more natural and healthy diet.

3. Excerise Required. If you are to truly follow the 17 day diet, then you must excercise. I am currently training to become a Certified Personal Trainer. One of the most astounding facts that I have encountered is that the vast majority of Americans do not come close to having enough physical activity in their day to even lead a normal life; nevermind training to become some sort of superior athlete. In times past people had more physical activity in their daily routine, because the work that they did was naturally more physically involved. In today's computer run work place, most people lead sedentary lives. This, in and of itself, is cause for alarm and is a major contributor to the growing obesity epidemic. 

How I would Recommend Using It

Yes. I would actually recommend using The 17 Day Diet. An awesome thing about The 17 Day Diet is that for the cost of a book, a person can learn it. There are no other required products to purchase. As a Plexus Ambassador, one of my goals is to educate people on living healthier lives. My only criticism of the 17 Day Diet is the same criticism I would have of many of the other diets; it is all about personal will-power and personal choice. If it were easy to make those choices, everyone would be in perfect shape. Even though Plexus Slim is listed as the second most popular diet of 2014, I have long stated that Plexus Slim is not a "diet" in the traditional sense, but more like a poweful tool to help a person get their body in "alignment" and to make better choices. In other words, Plexus Slim might actually help make doing something like the 17 day diet a lot easier. On top of that, the Plexus products are known to help people lose weight with relatively little effort in comparison to diets that require radical food selection changes. In addition, many people have found the amazing side health benefits of Plexus are really primary benefits, and Plexus is becoming famous for this as well. All things considered, I would like more of my customers to take a more serious approach to their health. Some people are so impressed with the stories of success with Plexus, that they might expect to not make any changes at all and still lose weight. While stories of this do exist in Plexus, it is not my recommendation to approach weight loss and health in this way, nor is it something that people should expect. There is a reason why people are overweight, out of shape, and sickly. 

Plexus on it's own may benefit you tremendously. But paired with a proper view of diet and excercise, you have a powerful tool for life change. Will Plexus make it easy? That is my story. I did not want to diet. I hated the feeling of being deprived. That, outwardly is what changed for me. Inwardly, Plexus helps to level blood sugars, cholesterol, and lipids. In conjuction with some of the other Plexus products, Plexus Slim can make whatever better choices you make far easier; that is my experience, and the experience of so many other people who have used Plexus, and is why I love Plexus. 

Make a better choice for your life this year. As you make your new year's resolution, make it something that can last. What if this could be your last new year's weight loss resolution?